Parsing and executing

With our language greet defined and inspected, we can now parse and execute a program. Parsing requires a Parser, which can easily be constructed from a process's command line arguments. Note that execution returns a Promise and has to be awaited.

try {
  const parseResult = greet.parse(Parser.fromArgv());

  console.log(await parseResult.execute());
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof Error) console.log(`${}: ${error.message}`);

We can now run the program from a terminal (after compiling it with typescript).

$ node cli.js hi
Hi mysterious person!
$ node cli.js hello world
Hello world! It is a great day today!

$ node cli.js
Error: Parser finished but expected type <t.greeting>.
$ node cli.js hello
Error: Parser finished but expected type <p.string>.
$ node cli.js hi world
Error: Unexpected token "world" at index 1.